Payroll management is the most daunting task and one of the complicated parts of the Human Resource department, which needs accuracy and must strictly adhere to the deadlines. Agree?

Added to that, the employee satisfaction relies on the payroll management with no compromise in the payroll. Infact, our team of experts here at Digi career meets it all! With wide requirements from the SMEs, we serve a diversified industry niche with different salary structures. Striving towards becoming one of its kind, our payroll outsourcing services in India differentiates itself with complete automation.

We ensure smooth payroll management services that can help improve resource management and save you the hassles and time-consuming tasks of payroll processing. We are recognized as one of the leading payroll management service providers, with years of experience in handling payroll processing with sensitivity towards all statutory compliances.

Our customizable solutions provide a competitive edge to our clients and their staffing needs:

  •  1. Tax Services & Guarantee
  •  2.  Payroll Reports & Tax Ease of use
  •  3.  Accounting Software Integration
  •  4.  Employee Self-Service
  •   5. Mobile Accessibility and more!